In [1]:
%pylab inline
import control
import pyhull
import string
import picos as pic
import cvxopt as cvx
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.integrate
import itertools
import sympy
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2
rcParams['font.size'] = 12
rcParams['animation.writer'] = 'avconv'
rcParams['animation.codec'] = 'libx264'

LMI characterization of $L\infty$ gain

The $L_\infty$ gain characterizes the ratio of the maximum values of the output to the input. This is useful for computing th reachable set for the output. The reachable set can then be used in formal analysis to verify system safety.

source: AAE 666 Class Notes (Martin Corless) pg. 178/ pg. 265

Consider a disturbed linear system:

\begin{align*} \dot{x} = Ax + Bw\\ z = Cx + Dw \end{align*}

where all eigenvalues of A have negative real part and w is a bounded input. Suppose there exists a positive real scalar $\alpha$ such that:

\begin{align*} \begin{pmatrix} PA + A^TP + 2\alpha P & PB\\ B^TP & -2\alpha \mu_1 I \end{pmatrix} < 0\\ \begin{pmatrix} C^TC - P & C^T D \\ D^TC & D^TD - \mu_2 I \end{pmatrix} < 0 \end{align*}

Then $||y(t)||_{\infty} \leq \sqrt{\beta^2 e^{-2 \alpha t} + \gamma ||u(t)||_{\infty} }$ where

\begin{align*} \beta &= \sqrt{x_0^TPx_0}\\ \gamma &= \sqrt{\mu_1 + \mu_2} \end{align*}

Since $\alpha$ and P cannot both be a variable in the LMI in order for it to be linear, a line search must be performed to minimize $\gamma$ by changing $\alpha$. It is beneficial to minimize $\gamma$ since it is the bound at steady state while $\alpha$ represents the transient behaviour.

In [3]:
def solve_bounded_disturbance(sys):
    A = sys.A
    B = sys.B
    C = sys.C
    D = sys.D
    def solve_lmi(A_data, B_data, C_data, D_data, alpha, verbose=False):
        sdp = pic.Problem()

        # shape
        n_x = A_data.shape[0]
        n_u = B_data.shape[1]
        # variables
        P = sdp.add_variable('P', (n_x, n_x), vtype='symmetric')
        alpha = pic.new_param('alpha', alpha)
        mu_1 = sdp.add_variable('mu_1')
        mu_2 = sdp.add_variable('mu_2')

        # parameters
        A = pic.new_param('A', cvx.matrix(A_data))
        B = pic.new_param('B', cvx.matrix(B_data))
        C = pic.new_param('C', cvx.matrix(C_data))
        D = pic.new_param('D', cvx.matrix(D_data))
        I_n_u = pic.new_param('I', cvx.sparse(cvx.matrix(np.eye(n_u))))
        I_n_x = pic.new_param('I', cvx.sparse(cvx.matrix(np.eye(n_x))))

        eps = 1e-10
            (P*A + A.T*P + 2*alpha*P & P*B) //
            (B.T*P &  -2*alpha*mu_1*I_n_u)  << -eps)
            (C.T*C - P & C.T*D) //
            (D.T*C & D.T*D - mu_2*I_n_u)  << -eps)
        sdp.add_constraint(P >> eps*I_n_x)
        sdp.add_constraint(mu_1 >> eps)
        sdp.add_constraint(mu_2 >> eps)
        sdp.set_objective('min', mu_1 + mu_2)
            mu_1 =  sdp.variables['mu_1'].value[0,0]
            mu_2 =  sdp.variables['mu_2'].value[0,0]
            gam = np.sqrt(mu_1 + mu_2)
        except Exception as e:
            print e
            gam = -1
        return gam, sdp
    # we use fmin to solve a line search problem in alpha for minimum gamma
    print('line search')
    alpha_opt  = scipy.optimize.fmin(lambda alpha: solve_lmi(A, B, C, D, alpha)[0], x0=0.01)
    gam, sdp = solve_lmi(A, B, C, D, alpha_opt)
    print sdp
    if sdp.status == 'optimal':
        P = sdp.variables['P'].value
        mu_1 =  sdp.variables['mu_1'].value[0,0]
        mu_2 =  sdp.variables['mu_2'].value[0,0]
        print 'optimal alpha: ', alpha_opt
        print 'gamma: ', gam
        print 'mu_1: ', mu_1
        print 'mu_2: ', mu_2
        print 'P: ',  P
        sdp = solve_lmi(A, B, C, D, alpha_opt, verbose=True)
        raise RuntimeError('Optimization failed')
    return sdp, P, alpha_opt, gam

Convex Hull

In [4]:
class MyConvexHull(object):
    def __init__(self, res=None, eqs=None, points=None, facets=None, max_dist=None):
        self.res = res
        self.eqs = eqs
        self.points = points
        self.facets = facets
        self.max_dist = max_dist

    def from_points(cls, points, angle=0.99):
        res = pyhull.qconvex('n i A{:f} Fs'.format(angle), points)
        n_dim = int(res[0])-1
        n_eqs = int(res[1])
        eqs = array([line.split() for line in res[2:2+n_eqs]]).astype(float)
        n_facets = int(res[2+n_eqs])
        facets = array([line.split() for line in res[3+n_eqs:3+n_eqs+n_facets]]).astype(int)
        max_dist = float(res[4+n_eqs+n_facets].split()[1])
        return cls(res, eqs, points, facets, max_dist)
    def from_halfspaces(cls, interior_point, halfspaces):
        s = 'H'
        for i in range(len(interior_point)):
            s += '{:5g},'.format(interior_point[i])
        opt = s + ' Fp'
        res = pyhull.qhull_cmd('qhalf', opt, halfspaces)
        n_dim = int(res[0])
        n_vert = int(res[1])
        points = array([line.split() for line in res[2:2+n_vert]]).astype(float)
        return cls.from_points(points)
    def add_buffer(self, b):
        self.eqs[:,-1] -= b
        s = zeros(self.points[0].shape)
        interior_point = self.points.mean(0)
        return MyConvexHull.from_halfspaces(interior_point, self.eqs)
    def __repr__(self):
        return string.join(self.res, '\n')
    def contains(self, p):
        return False

In [5]:
def create_flow_tube(mode, x_0, u_norm):
    x_t = mode['x_t']
    beta = mode['beta']
    alpha = mode['alpha']
    gam = mode['gam']
    sys = mode['sys_b']
    t = linspace(0,20,1000)
    u = array([[0,x_t[0],x_t[1]]]),len(t))))
    x0 = array([x_0[0], x_0[1], x_0[0], x_0[1]])

    bound = sqrt(beta**2*exp(-2*alpha*t) + (u_norm*gam)**2).T

    t, y, x = control.forced_response(sys, T=t, U=u, X0=x0)

    nom = y[2:4,:].T # nominal trajecotry

    p = array([
        nom +[[1,1]])),
        nom +[[-1,1]])),
        nom +[[1,-1]])),
        nom +[[-1,-1]]))

    # space using arclength
    n_steps = 10
    arc_length = cumsum(norm(array([diff(nom[:,0]),diff(nom[:,1])]), axis=0))
    norm_arc_length = arc_length/arc_length[-1]
    i_steps = [find(norm_arc_length >= per)[0] for per in linspace(0,1,n_steps)]

    # find convex sets
    flow_tube = []
    for i in range(n_steps-1):
        i0 = i_steps[i]
        i1 = i_steps[i+1]+1
        step = i1-i0
        p_i = reshape(p[:,i0:i1,:], [p.shape[0]*step,p.shape[2]])
        ch = MyConvexHull.from_points(p_i, angle=0.9)
        ch = ch.add_buffer(ch.max_dist)
    return flow_tube, nom

Inverted Pendulum Example

In [6]:
def derive_pend_eoms():
    theta, t, m, g, l = sympy.symbols('theta, t, m, g, l')
    values = {'g': 9.8, 'l': 0.4, 'm': 1}
    frame_i = me.ReferenceFrame('i') # the inertial frame
    frame_b = frame_i.orientnew('b', 'Axis', (theta(t), frame_i.z))  # the body frame
    point_o = me.Point('o') # the base of the pendulum
    point_o.set_vel(frame_i, 0) # the base of the pendulum is fixed in the inertial frame
    point_p = point_o.locatenew('p', l*frame_b.y) # the end of the pendulum
    point_p.set_vel(frame_b, 0) # point p is fixed in the body frame
    point_p.v1pt_theory(point_o, frame_i, frame_b)
    particle_a = me.Particle('a', point_p, m) # define a point mass particle at the end of the pendulum
    weight = -m*g*frame_i.y
    u = sympy.Symbol('u') # input
    d = sympy.Symbol('d') # disturbance
    M_o = point_p.pos_from(point_o).cross(weight).dot(frame_b.z) + u(t) + d(t)
    H__i_o = particle_a.angular_momentum(point_o, frame_i).dot(frame_i.z)
    eom = M_o - H__i_o.diff(t)
    eom_theta_dd = sympy.solve(eom, theta(t).diff(t,2))[0]
    eom_equil = eom.subs({theta(t).diff(t,2):0})
    u_eq = sympy.solve(eom.subs({theta(t).diff(t,2):0}), u(t), theta(t))[0][u(t)]
    x_vect = sympy.Matrix([theta(t), theta(t).diff(t)])
    u_vect = sympy.Matrix([u(t), d(t)])
    y_vect = x_vect
    f_vect = sympy.Matrix([theta(t).diff(t), eom_theta_dd])
    A_eq = f_vect.jacobian(x_vect)
    B_eq = f_vect.jacobian(u_vect)
    C_eq = y_vect.jacobian(x_vect)
    D_eq = y_vect.jacobian(u_vect)
    return A_eq, B_eq, C_eq, D_eq, u_eq, values

In [7]:
def linearize_pend(theta_0, A_eq, B_eq, C_eq, D_eq, u_eq, values):
    t, d, theta = sympy.symbols('t, d, theta')
    u0 = u_eq.subs(values).subs(d(t),0).subs(theta(t), theta_0)
    x0 = array([[theta_0, 0]]).T
    equil = {theta(t):theta_0}
    ss_eq = [ np.array(np.array(mat.subs(equil)), dtype=float) for mat in [A_eq,B_eq,C_eq,D_eq]]
    return control.StateSpace(ss_eq[0], ss_eq[1], ss_eq[2], ss_eq[3]), x0, u0

In [8]:
def design_lqr(sys):
    K, S, E = control.lqr(sys.A,sys.B[:,0],diag([1, 1]), np.eye(1))
    closed_loop_lqr = sys[:,0].feedback(K)
    return closed_loop_lqr, K

In [9]:
def lmi_design(theta_0):
    A_eq, B_eq, C_eq, D_eq, u_eq, values = derive_pend_eoms()
    sys, x0, u0 = linearize_pend(theta_0, A_eq, B_eq, C_eq, D_eq, u_eq, values)
    closed_loop_lqr, K_lqr = design_lqr(sys)

    A = closed_loop_lqr.A
    B = closed_loop_lqr.B

    Ab = bmat([[A, zeros((2,2))],
               [zeros((2,2)), A]])
    Bb = bmat([[B, -A], 
               [zeros((2,1)), -A]])
    Cb = bmat([[eye(4)],
               [eye(2), -eye(2)]])
    Db = zeros((6,3))
    sys_e =, B, eye(2), zeros((2,1))) # error system
    sys_b =, Bb, Cb, Db); # complete system

    u_norm = 0.1 # norm of disturbance
    d = 0.5 # size of step in pitch angle

    sdp, P, alpha, gam = solve_bounded_disturbance(sys_e)
    e0 = array([[0.02, 0.02]]).T # initial error, sets ellipse size
    beta = sqrt(
        'sys_b': sys_b,
        'x_t': x0,
        'u0': u0,
        'alpha': alpha,
        'beta': beta,
        'gam': gam,
        'P': P

In [10]:
u_norm = 0.01
d = 0.5

mode_stop = lmi_design(0)
mode_bwd = lmi_design(-d)
mode_fwd = lmi_design(d)

flow_tube_stop2fwd, nom_stop2fwd = create_flow_tube(mode_fwd, [0,0], u_norm)
flow_tube_stop2bwd, nom_stop2bwd = create_flow_tube(mode_bwd, [0,0], u_norm)
flow_tube_fwd2stop, nom_fwd2stop = create_flow_tube(mode_stop, [d,0], u_norm) 
flow_tube_fwd2bwd, nom_fwd2bwd = create_flow_tube(mode_bwd, [d,0], u_norm)
flow_tube_bwd2stop, nom_bwd2stop = create_flow_tube(mode_stop, [-d,0], u_norm)
flow_tube_bwd2fwd, nom_bwd2fwd = create_flow_tube(mode_fwd, [-d, 0], u_norm)

nom_traj = [

flow_tubes = [

line search
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.962278
         Iterations: 25
         Function evaluations: 50
optimization problem  (SDP):
5 variables, 0 affine constraints, 17 vars in 5 SD cones

P 	: (2, 2), symmetric
mu_2 	: (1, 1), continuous
mu_1 	: (1, 1), continuous

	minimize mu_1 + mu_2
such that
  [P*A + A.T*P + 2.0*alpha*P,P*B;B.T*P,( ( ( -2.0 )*alpha )*mu_1 )*I] ≼ |-1e-10|
  [C.T*C -P,C.T*D;D.T*C,D.T*D -mu_2*I] ≼ |-1e-10|
  P ≽ ( 1e-10 )*I
  mu_1 ≽ 1e-10
  mu_2 ≽ 1e-10
optimal alpha:  [ 1.4915625]
gamma:  0.962278409812
mu_1:  0.925979733259
mu_2:  4.73134259136e-09
P:  [ 1.51e+01  1.85e+00]
[ 1.85e+00  1.24e+00]

line search
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 1.015727
         Iterations: 25
         Function evaluations: 50
optimization problem  (SDP):
5 variables, 0 affine constraints, 17 vars in 5 SD cones

P 	: (2, 2), symmetric
mu_2 	: (1, 1), continuous
mu_1 	: (1, 1), continuous

	minimize mu_1 + mu_2
such that
  [P*A + A.T*P + 2.0*alpha*P,P*B;B.T*P,( ( ( -2.0 )*alpha )*mu_1 )*I] ≼ |-1e-10|
  [C.T*C -P,C.T*D;D.T*C,D.T*D -mu_2*I] ≼ |-1e-10|
  P ≽ ( 1e-10 )*I
  mu_1 ≽ 1e-10
  mu_2 ≽ 1e-10
optimal alpha:  [ 1.3879375]
gamma:  1.01572726014
mu_1:  1.03170186317
mu_2:  3.82387759511e-09
P:  [ 1.32e+01  1.73e+00]
[ 1.73e+00  1.24e+00]

line search
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 1.015727
         Iterations: 25
         Function evaluations: 50
optimization problem  (SDP):
5 variables, 0 affine constraints, 17 vars in 5 SD cones

P 	: (2, 2), symmetric
mu_2 	: (1, 1), continuous
mu_1 	: (1, 1), continuous

	minimize mu_1 + mu_2
such that
  [P*A + A.T*P + 2.0*alpha*P,P*B;B.T*P,( ( ( -2.0 )*alpha )*mu_1 )*I] ≼ |-1e-10|
  [C.T*C -P,C.T*D;D.T*C,D.T*D -mu_2*I] ≼ |-1e-10|
  P ≽ ( 1e-10 )*I
  mu_1 ≽ 1e-10
  mu_2 ≽ 1e-10
optimal alpha:  [ 1.3879375]
gamma:  1.01572726014
mu_1:  1.03170186317
mu_2:  3.82387759511e-09
P:  [ 1.32e+01  1.73e+00]
[ 1.73e+00  1.24e+00]

In [11]:
def create_ellipse(mode):
    P = mode['P']
    beta = mode['beta']
    x_t = mode['x_t']
    lam, v = eig(P)
    height = sqrt(lam[0])*2*beta
    width = sqrt(lam[1])*2*beta
    angle = rad2deg(np.arccos(v[0, 0]))
    return Ellipse(xy=x_t, width=width, height=height, angle=angle, alpha=0.2)

In [12]:
ax = subplot(111)
h_e = ax.add_artist(create_ellipse(mode_fwd))

color_cycle = itertools.cycle(['g', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'])
for flow_tube, nom in zip(flow_tubes, nom_traj):
    color = next(color_cycle)
    h_nom = ax.plot(nom[:,0], nom[:,1], color=color, linestyle='-')
    for ch in flow_tube:
        for facet in ch.facets:
            h_ch = ax.plot(ch.points[facet][:,0], ch.points[facet][:,1], color=color, linestyle='--')
title('flow tubes')
xlabel('$\\theta$, rad')
ylabel('$\dot{\\theta}$, rad/s')
theta = linspace(-1,1)
a = axis()
#plot(theta, theta*K[0,1]/K[0,0] + 2, 'r-*')
#h_bound = plot(theta, theta*K[0,1]/K[0,0] - 2, 'r-*')
#axis([-d*1.5, d*1.5, -2, 2])
legend([h_nom[0], h_ch[0], h_e], ['nominal', 'flow tube', 'invariant state'], loc='best');